Monday, February 4, 2013

Valentines Party

dog_tine_md_whtSave the date! 
The EE Valentines Party will take place on Friday, February 15th from 10:00-noon.
More details will be coming soon!

Students will also be creating “mail bags” to put on their lockers or in the Library in order to give and receive Valentine cards and treats.

If you are sending Valentines, please send enough cards for all of your child’s classmates. You do not need to send cards for every child at EE, nor is it required to send cards at all. For those students who do bring cards, we ask that they include all of the students in their classes and not single anyone out to not receive cards. Some students get hurt feelings when they only receive a few cards, and that is not what we want to promote.

When sending Valentines, it is requested to simply sign the name of the sender on the card itself. Do not sign the “to” section of the card. This will make it much simpler to pass out cards. It will also avoid any potential embarrassment due to leaving someone out.

TKD Winners!

Congratulations to EE’s competitors (Peoples TKD Program): Ethan Bauder, Jack Alderson, Claire Alderson, Caden Alderson, Cruz Suarez, Grant ...