Check out these auction items now so you’ll know what you want to bid for this Friday night!
You’ll want to place PRE-bids for your favorite items right away - especially if you can’t attend the auction/dinner/show this Friday.
A Pre-bid Link is included on the Auction Preview page.
By bidding on items in our silent auction you get special products and services for your family to enjoy while helping to support Extraordinary Education. It’s a win-win for everyone!
Bidding will close at 7:15pm on Friday, April 5th, shortly before the Talent Show begins. Winners will be announced following the Talent Show.
Please come prepared to pay for your items and take them home on Friday night.
We will only be accepting cash and checks. No credit/debit cards for auction items.
Online winning bidders will have ONE WEEK to submit payment.
Bidding Note: In some cases we have multiples of the same item. We will display these as a single item and take multiple bids for that item. The highest bids over the minimum bid will win.