Extraordinary Education Center
9522 CarrawayLane, Magnolia, TX 77354
June 10 –14th, 2013 (Monday –Friday)
Ages 6 -9 years: 9:30 a.m. –12:30 p.m.
Ages 9-12 years: 1:00 p.m. –4:00 p.m.
Camp fee: $100/student *
Register Online Now!
Hands-on fun and excitement abound as students learn the principles of mechanical engineering and design through building and operating their own robots. LEGO® bricks will become our tools for building catapults, vehicles and structures for challenging “Angry Martians” robotic missions throughout the week. Older students will have the opportunity to program their robots while younger ones will use remote controllers.
Camp staff are members of our award-winning Woodlands Homeschoolers BEST Robotics team. This camp is an outreach project and fund-raiser for the team’s Fall 2013 season.
* Students who have been enrolled in Lego Engineering or Early Robotics classes at Extraordinary Education during the 2012-2013 school year receive a $25 discount. Email extraed@att.net for details.