Saturday, January 19, 2013

Extraordinary Future City News!

102_2076Our EE team has just returned from the Houston Area Future City contest - bringing home the trophy for “Best Transportation System” as well as “Second Place Overall”! Our team is now the alternate to advance to the national level contest to be held in Washington D. C. in February.  Should the First Place Team be unable to attend, our team will take their place. The advancing team wins an expense-paid trip to Washington D. C. for this contest.

The Future City contest involves many different skills and interests. Each year, students must:

  • Develop a “Virtual City” design using SimCity4 software. Their city must meet very difficult criteria to earn maximum points.
  • Construct a table-top Scale Model showing a section of their ideal future city. Their team cannot spend more than $100 constructing their model, so most models are made from recycled items.
  • Write a 1000-word Research Essay about the annual city engineering topic.
  • Write a 500-word Abstract introduction to their city design.
  • Give a 7-minute Oral Presentation and answer 7 minutes of questions from the judges on competition day. Teams must do their presentation several different times for several different sets of judges, and the Final round takes place on the stage - in front of all the other teams and guests while holding a microphone!


Students who represented Extraordinary Education at the contest today were (from left to right): Andrew O’Brien (alternate), Ion Powell Jason Eaton, and Brooke Mayfield.
Elise Eaton served at the team’s Teacher Mentor and Todd Powell served at the team’s Engineer Mentor. Many other EE students also contributed to the construction of the model.

Please be sure to congratulate our extraordinary team when you see them this week!

TKD Winners!

Congratulations to EE’s competitors (Peoples TKD Program): Ethan Bauder, Jack Alderson, Claire Alderson, Caden Alderson, Cruz Suarez, Grant ...