"The Velveteen Rabbit"
AD Players Children's Theater
I neglected to get a group together early for this show, but I see that there are lots of tickets still available for this coming FRIDAY morning, March 16th. I am not sure if I can still get the group rate since it is so late, but if so they would be $8. If not, they would be $10. I will find out tomorrow morning.
If you would like to be part of the group for this show, please sign up for tickets at the link below:
If you tell me you want to go, I WILL BUY TICKETS FOR YOU.
If you decide not to go at the last minute, you will still need to pay for the tickets!
Note: The little boy in this show was also in the Christmas show "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever." He is a homeschooler and is very cute!
-- Elise Eaton
Director, Extraordinary Education