The EE Mock Trial Team competed in the Region 6 Mock Trial Contest on Friday, February 9, 2018. Once again, the EE team earned 1st Place in the region and will be heading to the Texas State Mock Trial Competition in Dallas in March.
In addition, both of the individual awards went to EE team members. Allison Chamberlain was named the Outstanding Advocate and Jason Eaton was named the Outstanding Witness.
Be sure to congratulate these extraordinary students when you see them and wish them good luck at the State contest!
EE Mock Trial Team members pictured above (L-R): Elise Eaton - Sponsor, Jason Eaton, Evan Furber, Christopher Martens, Allison Chamberlain, Reid Anderson, Joshua Chamberlain, Grant Harward, Collin Geiger, Michael Eaton - Coach. Not pictured: Maureen Ball - Attorney Adviser