My American Girl
EdVentures & Dinner Theater
Instructor: Ms. Dianne Killian
Ages 1st-6th
9:00am-3:00pm (Mon-Thurs)
11:00am-8:30pm (Fridays)
Dinner Theater - Friday @ 7:00pm
Bring a doll, any 18” doll will do, and join us for an exciting EdVenture as we step back in time and discover how American girls lived, and played. Ms. Dianne brings her ever-growing collection of dolls, doll furniture, doll food, doll accessories, and doll clothes. Projects vary each week and include: making a papoose, cross stitching, sewing a miniature quilt, creating matching jewelry for you and your doll, making a Victorian hat, a yarn doll, a lunch basket.
Each camp culminates in a Dinner Theater.
- At the end of the week, each camper, will take home a sack of DIY doll accessories, plus a few surprises.
- Camp Fee $175 – includes EE facility use and all supplies.
- Monday – Friday: Monday – Thursday 9:00 – 3:00 AND Friday 11:00 – 8:30ish
“Felicity” - June 2-6
"Felicity" - REGISTER NOW
“Kaya” - June 9-13
“Caroline” - June 16-20
"Caroline" - REGISTER NOW
“Kirsten” - June 23-27
"Kirsten" - REGISTER NOW
“Addy” - July 7-11
“Samantha” - July 14-18
"Samantha" - REGISTER NOW
“Kit & Molly” - July 29-Aug 1
"Kit & Molly" - REGISTER NOW
Please contact Ms. Dianne with any questions.
You can view her site at the Homeschooling Pioneer.