Dr. Kuni Michael Beasley will present a FREE College Planning Workshop on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15th at 7:00pm at Extraordinary Education. If you have a high school student or even a middle school student, this workshop will help as you plan toward college.
The 2 Biggest Questions
About College:
- Is my kid ready for college?
- How am I going to pay for it?
The #2 Best Kept Secret
About College:
- If you get them READY the RIGHT Way…
You might NOT have to PAY for it!!!
However… The #1 Best Kept Secret About College:
- ONE HOUR with This Man Could Save You:
$10,000… $50,000… $100,000…
or MORE in College Costs!
Dr. Kuni Michael Beasley
“The Nation’s TOP College Expert”
2013 Results:
- $3.2 MILLION in Scholarships
- $3,200,000!!!
- 50 Full Scholarships
- 72 Scholarships Total
Dr. Kuni Michael Beasley is an internationally recognized expert on college education and preparation. He was a College Professor for 16 years and has been the Dean of the NEW College Prep Academy (NCPA) since 1996. His College Prep programs have been used by public and private schools in 16 states. He has helped thousands of students make better grades, increase SAT/ACT scores, and create more scholarship opportunities. Dr. Beasley’s education includes a BS from Texas Christian University, and MBA from Oklahoma City University, a D. Min from Tyndale Seminary, and a Ph. D. from the University of TX at Arlington. He completed 22 years of college and only paid for one semester! See his full biography at www.linkedin.com/in/docbeasley/
2013 Hall of Fame
Shree Shah, Plano, TX
Over $700,000 in Scholarship Offers! St. John’s, Hofstra, Notre Dame, Trinity, Lamar, LA Tech. Going to Univ. of Chicago
Frank Hoang, Orange County, CA
Air Force ROTC, Navy ROTC, & Army ROTC Scholarships, Maryland (Presidential Scholar), Purdue (Honors), Illinois (Honors) Georgia Tech, LA Tech. Going to Berkeley on Scholarship!
Dustin Francis, Baton Rouge, LA
Over $300,000 in Scholarship Offers BEFORE his Senior year on ACT alone! Tulane, Baylor, Miss. St., Col. of the Ozarks.
Going to LA Tech: Full Tuition & Fees PLUS Room & Board!
Ciara Appelbaum, Sugar Land, TX
Highly recruited for volleyball by Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Dartmouth, Rice, Maryland, Georgetown, Purdue, Duke, Georgia Tech. Committed to Wake Forest as a Junior!
Danielle Gray, Needville, TX
An obscure Veterans’ benefit earned by her father allowed her to receive FREE tuition & fees! Lamar University
Sean Gent, McKinney, Texas
Air Force Academy Class of 2012
Accepted at ALL THREE Major Service Academies: Army, Navy, & Air Force. First Select for BOTH Senators & his Congressman. Prepped, Packaged, & Positioned in less than FIVE Months!
Michelle Beasley
High School Dropout to Harvard Scholarship! Awarded the Phi Theta Kappa (Full) Scholarship to Harvard University. Made a 4.0 her first year! Her degree cost less out-of-pocket than one year at a state college!
Zackary Lindstrom
Over $380,000 in Scholarships Offers! Texas A&M, U. Texas-Dallas, Baylor, Oklahoma State, LA Tech
Justin Lindstrom
Congressional Appointment to the Merchant Marine Academy
Admitted to The Citadel & The Virginia Military Institute

Stephanie Killam, Burleson, Texas
The University of Texas at San Antonio
“Mom & Dad don’t have to pay a penny for my college …and neither do I!”
All Paid with Merit Scholarships & Opportunity Funding. NO Loans. NO Debt.
NO Mortgaging the Family Home.
Beasley College Prep, LLC
Office: 2591 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300, Frisco, TX 75034 USA Mail: 5000 Eldorado Parkway, Suite 150-164, Frisco, TX 75033